Prague Descriptive Linguistics (PDL) is a group of general linguists, field linguists and philologists based in Prague, Czech Republic. Our members focus on various languages all over Eurasia and North Africa, from Morocco in the west to Japan in the east. PDL is the brainchild of Jan Křivan who started this group in 2017 when he felt that scholars from different departments who deal with linguistics in some shape or form did not communicate enough with each other, and therefore he decided to create a platform to foster discussion and to develop new common projects. PDL has so far organized various workshops on different topics (such as converbs, multi-verbal predicates, etc.), and talks by researchers focusing on minority languages. PDL is constantly working on new grant proposals for linguistics fieldwork projects (recently centered around Central Asia).

Please, do not confuse us with these two great projects:
Linguistics Prague conference (link) and Prague Linguistic Circle (link).